Hi and shalom!
The concept of "remember" in Scripture refers to more than just not forgetting someone or something, but is an action word, a decided choice to love the LORD your GOD with all your heart, soul, mind, strength, and neighbor as yourself. When we collectively don't spend time, i.e. remember God, it gives rise to the following as posted in The Week online edition.
My comment before, during and after is start making Shabbat a consistent rhythm in your life.
Increasingly, technology not only lets us control our lives in innovative ways, but offers to do so on our behalf. The number of products, applications, and gadgets designed to combat our baser instincts — forcing us to eat less, behave better, and otherwise live cleaner, more respectable lives — is on the rise. This week, for example, saw the release of an application that warns you if your e-mail text could be interpreted as rude (see below). Here's a list of 6 vices, and the technological gadgets that can help cure — or at least mitigate — them:
1. Your e-mail is too aggressive
ToneCheck is a new no-cost plug-in that "reads" your e-mail drafts and warns you if they could be construed as impolite. It's essentially a spellcheck-like function for an aggressive or insulting tone. "Text communication is rife with misunderstandings," says Adam Pash at LifeHacker, "and often an e-mail with perfectly pleasant intentions can lead to a lot of upset co-workers." That said, the idea that the complex emotional register of human beings can be anticipated by a machine is "downright terrifying."
2. You swear too much
Those who want to clean up their language might want to plug Pepper Mouth — a vigilant, if bratty, device — into their computers' USB ports. As soon as you've input a curse word, Pepper Mouth emits a foul-smelling odor. Your e-mails will be G-rated before you know it, says Conner Flynn at Slippery Brick, thanks to this "politically correct skunk." (No release date or price information available yet)
3. You eat too much
Entrepreneurs have long exploited Americans susceptibility to weight-loss gimmicks — with inventions ranging from a Hannibal Lecter-like face mask to a doll that shames you into sticking to a diet. Now there's a digital variation: A 99-cent iPhone photo app called FatBooth offers users a threatening preview of what they'd look like 100 pounds heavier. Seeing yourself with flabby double (or triple) chins "may be the incentive you need" to squelch those 1 a.m. cupcake urges, says Chris Pirillo at his blog.
4. You have a tendency to drunk-dial
The urge to call your boss, your spouse, your ex, or your psychic can be dangerously powerful when you're under the influence of alcohol. Hence, a 99-cent iPhone app called the Bad Decision Blocker, which allows you to delete certain numbers from your phone for 12 hours. "It's essentially a digital babysitter," says creator John Genest.
5. You have a tendency to mail the wrong people when drunk
Neither ToneCheck nor the Bad Decision Blocker will prevent you from rapping out ill-advised e-mails when you're three sheets to the wind (a weakness that Jacqui Cheng at Ars Technica calls the "technological evolution of the drunk dial"). That's why Google developed "Mail Goggles," a free program that forces you to answer a series of math questions in under 60 seconds before it will let you press "send." Math whizzes given to excessive tippling can even increase the degree of difficulty.
6. You can't stop surfing the Internet
We've all had moments when a pressing work document needs our attention, but we can't stop checking sports-stats websites. The solution: "Distraction software." One $10 version, Freedom, the "virtual equivalent of retiring to a remote getaway," allows you to disable Internet access for between one minute and eight hours. Once you find the willpower to use it, you can only get back online by rebooting your computer. It's the "ultimate tool to ward off distractions," says The Economist, a bit optimistically.
His presence aid us through our "baser instincts."
Mellow Roc
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I would rather do it myself! -headache relief commercial 1960s
Hi and shalom!
Have you ever had prayers answered seemingly in quick fashion, like the turn-around time expected on a given project that you are responsible for ensuring happens?
That happened for me this week to where I could observe it, God has great turn-around time on our petitions.
I have been working on a novella that will take longer to get out there then I dreamed. Also the method it will get out there and form are probably being worked out as I write this.
Someone shared, ultimately we want to do God's will not our own, I say oops.
Still feel the frustration though that was stated by a flustered mom in that 60s headache commercial, I would rather do it myself!
The other was from another friend who shared with me on living and working with other believers even though my perspective is a minority one. Read this:
Find the most open-minded and thoughtful Christian community you can.
Study on your own.
Truly be in community.
Here's the toughy, resist the urge to see other Christians in your church as inferior or "your students" as it were.
Speak out humbly and strategically, and only occasionally, in favor of non-supersessionistic ways of expressing God's plan.
That means worship where you have been, look for a on line or phone conference call situation where others discuss the torah, and keep on placing your will and life in the care of Adnonai.
It may save on Excedrin, Tylenol and perhaps more frustration than is needed..
Mellow Rock
Have you ever had prayers answered seemingly in quick fashion, like the turn-around time expected on a given project that you are responsible for ensuring happens?
That happened for me this week to where I could observe it, God has great turn-around time on our petitions.
I have been working on a novella that will take longer to get out there then I dreamed. Also the method it will get out there and form are probably being worked out as I write this.
Someone shared, ultimately we want to do God's will not our own, I say oops.
Still feel the frustration though that was stated by a flustered mom in that 60s headache commercial, I would rather do it myself!
The other was from another friend who shared with me on living and working with other believers even though my perspective is a minority one. Read this:
Find the most open-minded and thoughtful Christian community you can.
Study on your own.
Truly be in community.
Here's the toughy, resist the urge to see other Christians in your church as inferior or "your students" as it were.
Speak out humbly and strategically, and only occasionally, in favor of non-supersessionistic ways of expressing God's plan.
That means worship where you have been, look for a on line or phone conference call situation where others discuss the torah, and keep on placing your will and life in the care of Adnonai.
It may save on Excedrin, Tylenol and perhaps more frustration than is needed..
Mellow Rock
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Sunshine Go Away Today 70s song
Hi and Shalom!
Today I want to share with you an excerpt from the weekly Torah Commentary called the UONYC Teaching Letter from the Union of Ysraelite Nazarene Congregations, a group within the Messianic faith.
There is some timeless wisdom here as it relates to the last book of the Torah, Deuteronomy.
May we all be encouraged, and His presence be with us today!
Shabbat Shalom Kol Yisrael. It is our great pleasure to present this week's Torah Parsha commentary by Nazarene Yisraelite Rabbi T. (Mordecai) Mitchell, Rabbi and Rosh Zaken of B'nai Yeshurun Nazarene Yisraelite Synagogue, Kittanning, Pa., board member of the Union of Nazarene Yisraelite Congregations. Our Parsha this week is D'varim (Words) Debarim (Deuteronomy 1:1 3:22. Our Haftarah is YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 1:1 27. Our suggested Brit Chadasha readings are: Yochanan (John) 15:1 17 and Ibrim (Hebrews) 3:7 4:11. Also please read Tehillim (Psalms) 106 and 124.
Please note that this Parsha is read annually on the Shabbat preceding the 9th of Av. We encourage everyone to please research the dreadful and awesome history of 9th of Av, which falls this year on Tuesday, July 20 (the day begins at sundown, Monday, July 19) One thing we must keep in mind is that history does repeat itself. We must also remember that none of us can stand except for the divine and supernatural protection of Almighty Yahweh.
As a prelude to the commentary it is important to understand a bit about this last book of the Torah as we begin the book. D'varim means Words. In most Bible translations the book is called Deuteronomy. This word is taken from the Greek word Deuteronomos, which means Second Law. This Greek meaning can be a bit misleading. There is no Second Law. A more accurate meaning may be conveyed from the word repetition. D'Varim reiterates much of the Torah that had been given to Israel and introduces some relatively new instructions.
As we begin this new book, let us keep in mind that we are less than eight weeks away from the fall High Days. Let us begin to prepare to meet Almighty Yahweh at His commanded Moedim.
Debarim 1:1 These are the words which Moshe spoke to all Yisrael beyond the Yarden in the wilderness, in the desert plain opposite Suph, between Paran and Tophel, and Laban and Hatseroth, and Di Zahab.
After a brief account of Israel's physical location and journeys, Moshe finally addresses his people from the very depths of his heart. It is obvious that he is, some what reservedly, unleashing years of pent up frustration with the inconsistent and often lackadaisical behavior of the people. In verse 12, just before giving them sound direction regarding what they need to do to correct themselves and keep themselves in check, he vents his justifiable frustration by saying: 12. How do I bear your pressure and your burden and your strife, by myself?
After four decades of leading the people out of Egypt and through the wilderness, Mosheh addresses his true feelings. He tells the people exactly what is on his mind. Admittedly, 40 years is a long time to wait to allow frustrations to build up, hoping they will just somehow disappear. There is of course a lesson here for us. There are times we must learn to just unleash, to really give people a piece of our minds to tell them just what it is about them or their behavior that bugs us. However, the real lesson here is the Mosheh held himself in check for a long time. Some people then to shoot from the hip, just letting go the instant someone seems to cross them.
On the other hand we must use caution. Such behavior can be reactive. By waiting a while and giving some the benefit of the doubt, or by temporarily overlooking minor offenses or potential conflicts, we can avoid reactive, often hurtful emotional railings. We have all been guilty of sometimes lashing out. After all, we are only human and none of us can measure up to the stature of Moshe. However, in all fairness, Mosheh is being proactive, not reactive. While it is almost always best, if possible, to hold off speaking until our speaking can be more or less objective and free of emotion, especially blind anger, there are times when we must just let go and speak our minds.
In verse 13 and 15, Mosheh, knowing that his time of leadership is fast coming to an end, institutes a system of judges to lead and rule Yisrael.
Choose men, wise and understanding, and known to your tribes, and let me appoint them as your heads.
We may note that although these leaders were initially chosen by the people, final approval was given by Mosheh himself. The leaders were appointed, not elected. They were chosen for their wisdom and understanding. These positive character traits were recognized by the people, and by Mosheh himself, because the men chosen were trusted and respected by all.
Despite their impeccable character, the chosen judges are reminded to judge fairly and objectively, never with a personal agenda.
Note from mellow roc, may we be like the judges in our dealings with others in
our lives.
Today I want to share with you an excerpt from the weekly Torah Commentary called the UONYC Teaching Letter from the Union of Ysraelite Nazarene Congregations, a group within the Messianic faith.
There is some timeless wisdom here as it relates to the last book of the Torah, Deuteronomy.
May we all be encouraged, and His presence be with us today!
Shabbat Shalom Kol Yisrael. It is our great pleasure to present this week's Torah Parsha commentary by Nazarene Yisraelite Rabbi T. (Mordecai) Mitchell, Rabbi and Rosh Zaken of B'nai Yeshurun Nazarene Yisraelite Synagogue, Kittanning, Pa., board member of the Union of Nazarene Yisraelite Congregations. Our Parsha this week is D'varim (Words) Debarim (Deuteronomy 1:1 3:22. Our Haftarah is YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 1:1 27. Our suggested Brit Chadasha readings are: Yochanan (John) 15:1 17 and Ibrim (Hebrews) 3:7 4:11. Also please read Tehillim (Psalms) 106 and 124.
Please note that this Parsha is read annually on the Shabbat preceding the 9th of Av. We encourage everyone to please research the dreadful and awesome history of 9th of Av, which falls this year on Tuesday, July 20 (the day begins at sundown, Monday, July 19) One thing we must keep in mind is that history does repeat itself. We must also remember that none of us can stand except for the divine and supernatural protection of Almighty Yahweh.
As a prelude to the commentary it is important to understand a bit about this last book of the Torah as we begin the book. D'varim means Words. In most Bible translations the book is called Deuteronomy. This word is taken from the Greek word Deuteronomos, which means Second Law. This Greek meaning can be a bit misleading. There is no Second Law. A more accurate meaning may be conveyed from the word repetition. D'Varim reiterates much of the Torah that had been given to Israel and introduces some relatively new instructions.
As we begin this new book, let us keep in mind that we are less than eight weeks away from the fall High Days. Let us begin to prepare to meet Almighty Yahweh at His commanded Moedim.
Debarim 1:1 These are the words which Moshe spoke to all Yisrael beyond the Yarden in the wilderness, in the desert plain opposite Suph, between Paran and Tophel, and Laban and Hatseroth, and Di Zahab.
After a brief account of Israel's physical location and journeys, Moshe finally addresses his people from the very depths of his heart. It is obvious that he is, some what reservedly, unleashing years of pent up frustration with the inconsistent and often lackadaisical behavior of the people. In verse 12, just before giving them sound direction regarding what they need to do to correct themselves and keep themselves in check, he vents his justifiable frustration by saying: 12. How do I bear your pressure and your burden and your strife, by myself?
After four decades of leading the people out of Egypt and through the wilderness, Mosheh addresses his true feelings. He tells the people exactly what is on his mind. Admittedly, 40 years is a long time to wait to allow frustrations to build up, hoping they will just somehow disappear. There is of course a lesson here for us. There are times we must learn to just unleash, to really give people a piece of our minds to tell them just what it is about them or their behavior that bugs us. However, the real lesson here is the Mosheh held himself in check for a long time. Some people then to shoot from the hip, just letting go the instant someone seems to cross them.
On the other hand we must use caution. Such behavior can be reactive. By waiting a while and giving some the benefit of the doubt, or by temporarily overlooking minor offenses or potential conflicts, we can avoid reactive, often hurtful emotional railings. We have all been guilty of sometimes lashing out. After all, we are only human and none of us can measure up to the stature of Moshe. However, in all fairness, Mosheh is being proactive, not reactive. While it is almost always best, if possible, to hold off speaking until our speaking can be more or less objective and free of emotion, especially blind anger, there are times when we must just let go and speak our minds.
In verse 13 and 15, Mosheh, knowing that his time of leadership is fast coming to an end, institutes a system of judges to lead and rule Yisrael.
Choose men, wise and understanding, and known to your tribes, and let me appoint them as your heads.
We may note that although these leaders were initially chosen by the people, final approval was given by Mosheh himself. The leaders were appointed, not elected. They were chosen for their wisdom and understanding. These positive character traits were recognized by the people, and by Mosheh himself, because the men chosen were trusted and respected by all.
Despite their impeccable character, the chosen judges are reminded to judge fairly and objectively, never with a personal agenda.
Note from mellow roc, may we be like the judges in our dealings with others in
our lives.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Bound For Freedom - excerpt
Hi and shalom!
We haven't spent much time the past few posts in the book title, Bound for Freedom by Goran Larsson, and thought it was good time to return to this.
The annual Torah reading cycle begins Deuteronomy this week, the first 3 chapters.
Deuteronomy is thought to be Moses' synopsis of the wilderness years and by God's direction, encourages Joshua and the sojourners to continue walking with our LORD.
With Mr. Larsson, we last visited his title as he was discussing the feast of Pentecost. I pick up there.
"Pentecost is no less a part of God's miracle of liberation than is Passover. Therefore it is crucial that every generation places itself at Mt. Sinai, listens to the same heavenly voice, and utters the same confession as their forefathers.
The words of Torah should be new to you as though they were given this very day. It is well-known that the liberation from Egypt is celebrated year after year at Passover. We also know fairly well how this feast has been celebrated throughout the ages. How Pentecost has been celebrated is less known.
While the two other pilgrimage feasts, Passover and Tabernacles (Spring and Fall respectively) are assigned a detailed tractate in the Mishnah, there is only sparse information in the Rabbinic literature about Pentecost--Shavuot.
Note: This next paragraph fits well with Deuteronomy.
-The desert period is approaching its end. The Sinai experience is now in the past. Moses therefore emphasizes the Lord our god made a covenant with us at Horeb. Not with our ancestors did the Lord make this covenant, but with us who all of us here alive today! See Deuteronomy 5:2.
Further, in Moses' speech addressing the "renewed covenant" to be made before entering the promised land, he includes even future generations in
the covenant, (see Deuteronomy 29:10-15). The covenant involves being established as His people that He may be their God as He promised you and swore to your ancestors.
Obedience and Legalism. "All that you have spoken, we will do." (Exodus 24:7).
"Do and hear." Exodus chapters 19 through 24 are fused into a unity expressing the conditions, content, and mutuality of the covenant. "Do and hear" concretely introduces what faithfulness the covenantal relationship implies.
It is how all the commandments and ordinances given in the tablets of the covenant and the book of the covenant are to be received and realized in daily life..
His presence accompany us today as we hear and do His word and will in our lives. Be strong in the LORD!
Comments and hello are always welcomed!
Mellow roc
We haven't spent much time the past few posts in the book title, Bound for Freedom by Goran Larsson, and thought it was good time to return to this.
The annual Torah reading cycle begins Deuteronomy this week, the first 3 chapters.
Deuteronomy is thought to be Moses' synopsis of the wilderness years and by God's direction, encourages Joshua and the sojourners to continue walking with our LORD.
With Mr. Larsson, we last visited his title as he was discussing the feast of Pentecost. I pick up there.
"Pentecost is no less a part of God's miracle of liberation than is Passover. Therefore it is crucial that every generation places itself at Mt. Sinai, listens to the same heavenly voice, and utters the same confession as their forefathers.
The words of Torah should be new to you as though they were given this very day. It is well-known that the liberation from Egypt is celebrated year after year at Passover. We also know fairly well how this feast has been celebrated throughout the ages. How Pentecost has been celebrated is less known.
While the two other pilgrimage feasts, Passover and Tabernacles (Spring and Fall respectively) are assigned a detailed tractate in the Mishnah, there is only sparse information in the Rabbinic literature about Pentecost--Shavuot.
Note: This next paragraph fits well with Deuteronomy.
-The desert period is approaching its end. The Sinai experience is now in the past. Moses therefore emphasizes the Lord our god made a covenant with us at Horeb. Not with our ancestors did the Lord make this covenant, but with us who all of us here alive today! See Deuteronomy 5:2.
Further, in Moses' speech addressing the "renewed covenant" to be made before entering the promised land, he includes even future generations in
the covenant, (see Deuteronomy 29:10-15). The covenant involves being established as His people that He may be their God as He promised you and swore to your ancestors.
Obedience and Legalism. "All that you have spoken, we will do." (Exodus 24:7).
"Do and hear." Exodus chapters 19 through 24 are fused into a unity expressing the conditions, content, and mutuality of the covenant. "Do and hear" concretely introduces what faithfulness the covenantal relationship implies.
It is how all the commandments and ordinances given in the tablets of the covenant and the book of the covenant are to be received and realized in daily life..
His presence accompany us today as we hear and do His word and will in our lives. Be strong in the LORD!
Comments and hello are always welcomed!
Mellow roc
Thursday, July 1, 2010
From Sea to Shining Sea
Hi and shalom!
It is the first of July here as I write, mostly sunny and in the low 70s. Not bad for summer.
I have been pondering the phrase, at God's urging, today.
A friend sent me a personal e-mail telling me she did not feel fit for the task she felt God our Father was asking her to do but would proceed. I said in response, May he give you ideas to express yourself in artistry that is intended for others to see.
I have been working on a novel and feel much like my friend having never done this previously. At God's urging applies to a thought or idea or sentence that may come along and make for good content to the novel.
May it be so for all of us as we set out to do our special services, at God's urging.
I plan to have a reasonably relaxing weekend, and thank God for our independence and interdependence as citizens of His Kingdom and residents here on earth.
See you next post, comment whenever you desire as I enjoy reading them!
Mellow Roc
It is the first of July here as I write, mostly sunny and in the low 70s. Not bad for summer.
I have been pondering the phrase, at God's urging, today.
A friend sent me a personal e-mail telling me she did not feel fit for the task she felt God our Father was asking her to do but would proceed. I said in response, May he give you ideas to express yourself in artistry that is intended for others to see.
I have been working on a novel and feel much like my friend having never done this previously. At God's urging applies to a thought or idea or sentence that may come along and make for good content to the novel.
May it be so for all of us as we set out to do our special services, at God's urging.
I plan to have a reasonably relaxing weekend, and thank God for our independence and interdependence as citizens of His Kingdom and residents here on earth.
See you next post, comment whenever you desire as I enjoy reading them!
Mellow Roc
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