Thursday, June 11, 2009

Extraordinary Thursday

Today is Thursday. On this day in my personal history: grandparents used to come over and play cards with my parents on Thursdays as a youngster, I proposed to my wife on a Thursday, we had our first date on a Thursday, 3 summers ago I began to have a phone study with the late Rabbi Stan Greene, who gets the major credit for introducing me to the Messianic Perspective of faith, and subsequently, I often use Thursday evenings to further educate myself in faith matters. I will likely read chapter 2 of Bound For Freedom, this Thursday..
This morning, we read more of At The Feet of Rabbi Jesus, and learned how the tossils on garments were a symbol of faith and authority in the ancient Middle East, and to a great degree still today.
So when Yeshua asks, who touched the hem of my garment, on the account of the woman healed of a long-term blood disorder, it wasn't just a quip, Who touched me, who bumped me, who is in my way?
I hope one day conventional church leaders will begin to integrate facts like this into their sermons... I yet to hear one contend that Pentecost and the giving of the commandments at Mt Sinai likely occurred around the same date, though different times, but illustrates God ever wanting to communicate with humankind, us..
Back to tossils and such, We all probably have long-term things we want to "touch the hem of His garment" with. I pray with you today for God to be merciful and gracious as you pursue touching Him in prayer again. I remind you and myself, his favor, grace, is made perfect in our weakness..
One final item, I was at the Messianic Musings blog by Derek4messiah, and cannot figure out how to comment. I often lurk there as I like the topics discussed generally speaking.
Thanks for your time with me.. :)

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