Hello Grafted In Reader,
Today is February 26, Wednesday, in my corner of blog land.
The frigid, frosty weather has broken and in my corner of blog land we are enjoying above-freezing temperatures though under ten degrees Celsius during the day. It instills hope for the emergence of Spring.
I turned another year older, and still get a tad anxious when change is in progress!
This post, I think about the business landscape in my corner of blog land and North America.
I want to pay tribute to some murchandisers that are now becoming has-beens.
I was in my twenties when department stores Robert Hall and MontGomery Ward closed shop. Sears, happened a few years later as did K-Mart.
Now the flourish of closures seems to be a fad of sorts:
BowFlex, Big Lots, JoAnn Fabrics, several Rite Aid stores, Big Lots, Red Lobster, Spirit Airlines, and perhaps more to come including the cut-back on Fed Government employees.
I loved the prices of products at Big Lots, the biscuits served with meals at Red Lobster, my wife bought her yarn at JoAnn Fabrics, Rite Aid was not only a pharmacy but a good stop for needed incidentals.
BowFlex made a portable treadmill of sorts that one could conveniently store under a piece of furniture.
K-Mart had come up with a snappy jingle in the '70s.
What is a memory you have from a business that is either about to close, or has closed?
The reason according to economists for the current diminution is interest rates. Also that old bugger, slow sales and patronage.
Something like a down-turn seems to be on the horizon doesn't it?
The challenge is in whatever circumstance one finds they are in, be content. Or adopt the slogan, This too shall pass.
Until our next visit, thanks for stopping by. Invite a friend to read posts past and present here at Grafted In.
HaShem bless and keep us,
Mellow Rock
David C. Russell, Author
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