Monday, February 3, 2025

I Saw The Sign ('90's pop song)

Hello Grafted In Readers,

Today is Monday February 3, 2025, in my corner of blog land. Winter has been here with its most recent gift, four inches of snow. Meltdown occurring today as temperatures will be slightly above freezing and sunny, yay!

I guess we are to have six more weeks of winter as the legendary groundhog (woodchuck) reportedly did not see his shadow on Feb. 2nd. Hmmm.

For reading, are you thinking about indulging in Reading Month, which is annually held in March?

Currently, I am reading a historical fiction novel by one Susan Barker. It's title, The Incarnations, is set in China, Beijing to be precise. It can be rather gruesome on occasion, but skip those parts if so inclined. The main characters are a married couple and their eight-year-old daughter named, Echo.

Next, I will be dalving into a couple titles by Lisa Genova, medical fiction titles around neruologic issues.

Health Note

We used to have a family friend, Joe R, who would refer to myself and my brother as "the boys with the two first names."

Here is a little quip about a disease that could be described similarly:

Biliary Cholangitis: (From KidsHealth online

According to KidsHealth, "biliary cholangitis" refers to an infection of the bile ducts, often causing symptoms like abdominal pain, fever, chills, and sometimes jaundice (yellowing of the skin), and is considered a serious medical condition requiring prompt diagnosis and treatment with antibiotics or surgery to relieve any blockage causing the infection; it's important to seek immediate medical attention if you suspect biliary cholangitis. 

On our next visit later this month, I will share an excerpt from a work in progress by yours truly.

Thanks for stopping by. I'm waiting to hear a comment from you or a simple greeting.

May the Lord bless and keep you always,

Mellow Rock

David C. Russell, Author


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