Monday, November 25, 2019

It Won't Be Long (Acoustic, Linda Thompson)

Hello Grafted In Readers,

Today is Monday, November 25 in my corner of blog land. How goes it?

We are headed into that time of year known as the holiday season. Faith practices observe special occasions over the next four to six weeks before we head into a new year, 2020. People in general internationally may celebrate things relative to this time of year. It also may bring up unfinished business, unresolved hurts, unresolved personal goals, etc etc.

I don't have or provide answers to quickly fix the above, but the Mayo Clinic folk recommend something called patience.

There are three ways, according to them, that we can produce more patience in our life. I would add, pray, and learn patience through struggle with the every day. That seems to be the Biblical method.

The Mayo Clinic method for learning patience is in three ways:
- MBSR, mind-based stress reduction to improve those brain areas concerned with emotion. Often taught in six-to-eight week public courses.
- Meditation: The chief benefit, response control. Little things irk less.
- Mindful movement: Benefit both body and mind: akido, yoga, and I might add a good walk or swim.

We will all be given the opportunity sooner or later to use one of these methods for dealing with life's annoyances be they from loved ones, work, or just life in general. We're in this together!

Meantime, kevod Yeheveh, the presence of God be with us.

Mellow Rock
David C. Russell

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