Thursday, January 4, 2018

Waiting For Messiah is Better Done With You

Hello and Happy 2018 Grafted In Readers!

It is January 4 in my corner of blog land. We are in our tenth day where the temperatures will not reach 20 degrees Fahrenheit but they will remain in the teens or single digits through the coming weekend. I understand that we could break previous records from 1979 and 1936. I was out of state for both times in the past. In 1936, I was not born, and in '79, I was doing an externship in another state to finish college.

Since last time, I did finish reading, and still highly recommend, "Davita's Harp" by the late Chaim Potok. He writes in an entertaining manner and also has plenty within the story for one to ponder. Consider for example the advice given by Aunt Sarah to the nine-year-old Iliana Davita,
"Good-bye Davita. Be discontented with this world, but at the same time be respectful."

I plan to read another novel or two by this author in the coming months.

What is the start of a new year without a health reminder:
When going out to eat:
- Order your favorite vegetables
- Order more plant-based foods
- Have a light snack such as some fruit an hour or so before going out
- Order baked-broiled items, not fried.

Waiting for Messiah by David C. Russell, {yours truly} continues to be available at for under $4.00.

Please consider #WaitingForMessiah as a #gift to yourself or a #reading acquaintance for self enrichment.

Until our next visit, kevod Yeheveh, the presence of G-d be with you day and night.

Mellow Rock
David Russell

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