Monday, November 6, 2023

My Heart Is Open Moors and McCumber,

Hello Grafted In Readers,

Today is Monday, November 6, 2023, in my corner of blog land.

The one key event recalled from this date occurred in 1990 in my life. A relationship of five years ended. I moved out.

At the time, I was living in another part of the U.S. Now, I find myself:

- playing a piano gig four evenings a week;

- Married to a wonderful woman for the past 27 years;

- Have two adult children and four grandchildren;

- Published three books, and several random short stories since 2014;

- Enjoy reading and reasonably good health at age 71.

I hope to return to giving these blog posts music titles. Is your heart opened today?

Regardless the answer, each of our hearts goes through changes during life. That November 6 in 1990 was sad, yet posed new challenge. Our momentous and small changes contribute to who we are and who we show the world that we are like it or not.

In conclusion, may the presence of Yehovah comfort you and be with you now and tomorrow.

I appreciate you stopping by.

Mellow Rock,

David C. Russell, Authorr


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