Thursday, January 16, 2020

Dear Someone (Gillian Welch, Highway 389, formerly Acousticity)

Hello Grafted In Reader,

Today is January 16, 2020, in my corner of blog land.
This blog may be discontinued pending reaction:
I would like your feedback over the next few days concerning a pending decision.

I am considering moving to Medium, where I will continue blogging about life in general, but also share some of my fiction writing. Would you come join me on Medium?

This blog has been ongoing for about ten years, and much has changed in online life with the advent and continued innovation of social media. I note comments are seldom made, and post followed gain the most readers when the theme is inspiring or encouraging in tone.
This will likely be a turning point with this post, but request your feedback:
- Comment here
- Send me a private message on Facebook, Facebook page, GMail if you have my address, other.

I would like to let you know, New Authors Journal, Winter 2019, has published one of my stories in its print edition.
The story is titled, Dying To Know.

The journal is produced by author, Mario Farina,

Meantime, all the best, let's stay in touch.
His presence be with us,
Mellow Rock
David C Russell, Author

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