Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Long and Winding Road (classic, Beetles)

Hello Grafted In Readers,

Today, on the Jewish Calendar is Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement. For those of us who practice faith with the Jewish calendar in mind, it is a very "proper" feeling day and also one of personal vulnerability before our Creator.
We profess one God, and not to be that god.
We admit that we as human beings slight others, gossip when we should not, fantasize about the "what if" in our personal lives to an extent that may be harmful, ask forgiveness and aid to turn from those things which hinder us and our world, and literally beg Hashem to be loving and kind, merciful is the theological word.

It is October 9, 2019. An article recently in "Breaking Israel News" cites that more Christians around the world are starting to embrace observing Yom Kippur to not only identify with Israel, but also observe the Holy Day and its implications.

So, if you are among those observing today as Yom Kippur, Fear not. God is not willing that you or I perish, but that we realize eternal life!

Kevod Yeheveh, His Presence surround us,
Mellow Rock
David C. Russell, Author

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