Thursday, August 1, 2024

As Time Goes By (American Standard)

Hello Grafted In Reader,

Today is Thursday August 1, 2024 in my corner of blog land.

Have you noticed yet the sense that events in history often or occasionally repeat themselves?

Back in the day when "boom Boxes", portable radio/cassette players, were a consumer option, I used to record AP Network News briefs; this was to have an audio picture file about things occurring then in our world. 

This week, Morning Edition News Program, NPR, featured a set of sound bites from this past July to note key news events: former President Trump shot at a rally, some notable figures from the entertainment world pass away, a President announces he'll not seek re-election, etc.

Looking at some historic notations from the website, APNews, these are what I pasted. Note what two Presidents accomplished who were both in separate political parties during their tenure. Each left a legacy by doing this legislative hallmark:


1981: America gets its MTV

1907: Scout Movement begins

1966: Armed rampage at University of Texas

1971: The Concert for Bangladesh

<p>2012: Phelps sets Olympic medal record</p>


2012: Phelps sets Olympic medal record

1715: Spanish fleet sinks off Florida coast

1971: Lunar rover takes first spin on the moon

1991: START I treaty signed

<p>1976: Jenner takes gold in Montreal</p>


1976: Jenner takes gold in Montreal

1930: First World Cup champion crowned

1965: LBJ signs Medicare into law

2012: Radovan Karadzic extradited

<p>1967: USS Forrestal accident</p>


1967: USS Forrestal accident

1836: Arc de Triomphe inaugurated

1954: “The Fellowship of the Ring” published

1958: Eisenhower signs act creating NASA

<p>1945: US Army airplane crashes into Empire State Building</p>

This week, the 2024 Olympics are in full swing in Paris, France; Amazon will now require Kindle Direct Publishing authors to include a photo ID with their self-publishing endeavors. As time goes by, one may realize progress doesn't lead to perfection. History may well be cyclical in repeating itself with different names, places, and people involved in said events.

Finally, thanks for dropping by today.  May the presence of Yehoveh be with us today and tomorrow!

Next visit, I will feature an excerpt from one of my recent short story works.

David C. Russell

Mellow Rock


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