Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Story Snippet (David C. Russell)

Hello Grafted In Reader,

Today is August 20, 2024 in my corner of blog-land, Tuesday. I mentioned a story snippet would be shared in an upcoming post, and generally am a  man of my word.

The story is meant to be a bit comical, light, romantic, and believable. My main character, a single man in his mid 20s, wants to marry one day but has a stipulation that few know of concerning his future bride.

Here is the snippet. I hope to publish this in Fall and will let you know when and where.

Homonym or Homophone

David C. Russell

My name is Clair; some have described me as a man of simple means. I have practiced basic life principles much of my twenty-six years: things like the golden rule, saving a minimum amount of five dollars a week, on occasion paying something forward.

I did some community college after high school, but since age seventeen, have worked for a major window company as an installer. Part-time became full-time a few months after high school graduation. I liked most the patrons served.

I’m a little sheepish in telling you that I have had a deep-seated desire since my adolescent years.

 I have wanted to settle down, get married, support a family, but one stipulation had to be satisfied. I want the woman to share my first name, Claire or Clare.  

Though I would later discover, the woman who well-matched my criteria lived a few miles away in a small town, Lake Port.


Meantime, sample other stories by me at:

Or, look at "New Authors Journal" current issue, available in print from Amazon for a small fee.

May the presence of Yehoveh be with us all.

Mellow Rock

David C. Russell, Author


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