Friday, August 25, 2017

Help For Stomach Aches or Heartburn?

Hello Grafted In Readers,

Today is August 25 in my corner of blog land. I am soooo glad to tell you our humid weather has broken like a fever! Weekend temps will be in the mid 20s C during the day, around 10 degrees C overnight. Love it!

Today, we'll talk about our stomachs, bellies, guts. The Mayo Clinic newsletter, HouseCall and Science Magazine newsletter are our resources for this post.
HouseCall talks about something called "Nervous Stomach." It usually is a term used when tests fail to show the presence of an ulcer or gallstone for example. You might have to suggest or ask about more testing.
Anyhow the symptoms of "nervous stomach" are said to be: anxiety, bloating, changes in bowel habits, e.g. times you poop, and frequent indigestion.

I was listening to the daily radio news program, All Things Considered, on Thursday, and they referenced this piece from "Science" online about a study concerning stomach bacteria and diet. I am posting the article below:
Early human gut bacteria may have cycled with the season
By Michael PriceAug. 24, 2017 , 2:00 PM
You may be what you eat, but trillions of other lives depend on your diet: the microbes that live in your digestive tract. Scientists have long known that the foods we eat influence our intestinal microbiomes, but a new study finds that the gut residents of one of the world’s few remaining hunter-gatherer groups change seasonally, with different bacterial profiles in the dry and wet seasons. The findings—the first to show such a cyclical change in humans—may help researchers understand what our ancestors’ microbiomes were like before most of them switched to agriculture.
Nearly 200 of the 1000 Hadza who live near Lake Eyasi in Tanzania’s Rift Valley practice a traditional hunter-gatherer lifestyle, eschewing agriculture in favor of hunting and foraging. In 2014, anthropologist Stephanie Schnorr and colleagues at the University of Oklahoma in Norman found that many of them harbored considerably more species of gut bacteria than people living in modern Western nations (a finding that dovetails with evidence that the Hadza don’t suffer from colon cancer, colitis, or Crohn’s disease). The Hadza’s gut bacteria also appeared to specialize in breaking down their fiber-rich diet.
Unlike most people in industrialized nations, the Hadza eat seasonally: During the wet season, they forage for berries and eat honey, and during the dry season they hunt and eat game like warthogs, antelopes, and giraffes. They eat starchy tubers and baobob fruits year-round.

Interesting stuff indeed. Increase the intake of vegetables, grains and oatmeal, (little brown sugar on mine without milk please).

Until next visit, feel free to say hello and leave a comment related to the post.

Kevod Yeheveh, his presence is with us.

Mellow Rock
David Russell

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Prepare For Elul (Mellow Rock)

Hello Grafted In Readers,

Today is August 17 in my corner of blog land. I am hoping we have thunder-showers today, cooler temperatures prevail, and the near 28 degree C temperature in our house drops to perhaps 22 C or thereabouts in the near future. I must still have thick blood, though they say as we age, we prefer warmer temps. Hmm.

I want to share a health tip and a book review with you this post since Monday begins the Jewish calendar month of Elul. It is the period just before the High Holidays, and in brief, is the period where G-d invites us back to Himself from where we are or have been in those areas of life that have separated us from G-d.

The health tip is from the Mayo Clinic newsletter, HouseCall.

Flat Stomach
When it comes to a flat stomach, diet and exercise, not undergarments, are what count. Core exercises can strengthen and tone the underlying muscles. Core exercise examples include abdominal crunches, leg-lifts, fitness ball, Pilates, and bridge poses.

Book Review
The following book review is from the Messianic Jewish Publisher, First Fruits of Zion blogger, Toby Janicki:
This is offered this year by me in consideration of Elul and perhaps the High Holidays.
The World Of The Ger
Over the past fifty years, the Noachide movement within Judaism has really taken off, and, in turn, a number of books have been written to help initiate Gentiles into the world of Torah for non-Jews.
I have read quite a few of these books and, unfortunately, have found more than a few of them to be less than encouraging for my spiritual walk. In many of them, I have felt that the path suggested by the author would cause me to take a step back in my spirituality, Torah practice, and relationship with God. With a few exceptions, I would not recommend these books to others. But The World of the Ger by Rabbi Chaim Clorfene is a completely different story.
The title comes from the premise of the book, which explores the concept of a non-Jew coming to the God of Israel not just as a Noachide but as a ger toshav (resident alien). The Torah gives instructions not only for Israelites but for the stranger (ger), sometimes referring to the convert (ger tzedek), sometimes to the resident alien (ger toshav), and sometimes to both. The ger toshav was a non-Jew who had publicly renounced idolatry and accepted the Torah’s universal moral laws. He then lived in the land of Israel and received certain rights such as legal protection and charity when he was in need. Rabbi Clorfene seeks to demonstrate that while the legal status of the ger toshav is not in force today, since the Jubilee Year is not practiced, in principle the category of the ger toshav has a lot to teach non-Jews about their relationship with the Jewish people and the Torah.
He cites Rabbi Yosef Rosen:
Because the rabbinic courts are powerless to accept the ger toshav due to a snag in halachah, the Rogatchover Gan ruled that a Noahide can become a ger toshav on his own simply by accepting the Seven Laws of Noah, without any need for rabbinic approval. And even on this basis, the Jewish community is obligated to support him if he fell on hard times, and he may take a share of the agricultural gifts for the poor. And he is permitted to observe any or all the mitzvot of the Torah, including Shabbat and Talmud Torah. (33)
Unlike many books for the Noachide that rely heavily on an in-depth overview of the seven Noachide laws, The World of the Ger focuses on “parables, stories, and historical narratives that form the character and worldview of a people” (27). The result is a work that was not only encouraging in my own pursuit of a Torah life but quite inspiring as well.
One of the aspects of this book that caught my attention right away was the way the author sought to connect the ger not only to Noah, as is typically done, but to Abraham as well:
The truth is that before there was a Jew there was a ger. Abraham said to the men of Heth (Genesis 23:4), “I am a ger and a toshav with you” … Abraham called himself a ger because he was a Hebrew living among Canaanites, a foreign resident. Abraham is the father of all gerim, both Jewish converts and Noachide gerim. (29)
Noah is the biological father of everyone on earth. Abraham is their spiritual father. Noah brought them into this world. Abraham delivered them to the World to Come. (64)
Rabbi Clorfene uses language that sounds apostolic, even saying of Naaman after he denounced idolatry and recognized the one true God, “The foreskin of his heart has been circumcised” (83). He also argues that Torah and the knowledge of God were first given to Adam and passed on through the generations to Shem before they were delivered to Abraham and his descendants. Hence, without these faithful non-Jews, the Jewish people would not have risen to the level of Mount Sinai.
The World of the Ger has three chapters on righteous Gentiles that serve as models for the modern-day Gentile who is drawing close to the Torah: Naaman, Jethro, and the Queen of Sheba. The book also contains helpful chapters on Shabbat observance and kosher laws that allow Gentiles to explore Torah observance beyond the seven Noachide laws. Also included is a helpful appendix that lists the forty verses in the Torah that deal with the ger toshav. The book is a great resource for anyone wishing to study a non-Jew’s relationship to Judaism from a rabbinic and biblical perspective. I highly recommend it.

In brief, editing continues on the anthology, Waiting For Messiah. I am beginning to give some attention to organizing my short stories into a collection for possible publication in 2019.

Until our next visit, thanks for your time, possible comment or greeting, and Kevod Yeheveh; His presence be with us!

Mellow Rock
David Russell

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Those Memories Of You (Acoustic, The Trio)

Hello Grafted In Readers,

Today is Thursday, August 3 in my corner of blog land. I titled this post "Those Memories of You" for a couple different reasons:
-The Sabbath this week follows a special date in Jewish History known as Tisha B'Av on which the Jewish people may observe a fast to mourn the destruction of the two Jewish temples in history. The theme for the upcoming Sabbath, (August 5) is "Shabbat Nachamu" which means Shabbat of Comfort. Isaiah chapter 40 is the Haftarah portion for this date. It starts, "Comfort you, comfort you my people."

-Another reason for the title, I have two close friends who recently lost loved ones, and another friend lost a job suddenly only after being hired. Loss is a part of everyone's life! Comfort is the most appropriate to give someone in times of loss be it simply listening or just acknowledgement and presence.

Turning our attention to general health, The Mayo Clinic Housecall newsletter this week had a short feature on Kombucha tea. This is a colony of bacteria and yeast mixed with sugar and tea, and allowed to ferment. The liquid contains vinegar, vitamins B, and chemical compounds.

Studies so far indicate Kombucha tea acts much like a probiotic in that it helps prevent constipation and helps protect the immune system. Side effects have included some upset stomach and some allergic reactions. It is still being studied but wise to use on occasion if at all according to the Mayo Clinic advisor.

Writing and Reading: I am well into the process of editing the anthology, Waiting For Messiah. Please pray for my editor who has some personal matters ongoing at present. She is a very important part to this effort and G-d has blessed us in being able to work together thus far. For reading, I am enjoying the novel, A Few Green Leaves, by the late Barbara Pym.

Until our next visit, Kevod Yeheveh, His presence keep you sure, strong, and comforted.

Mellow Rock

David Russell