Friday, August 9, 2024

Listen To Your Heart ('80s song)

Hello Grafted In Readers,

I titled this post "Listen To Your Heart" for a couple reasons: First, to honor the Jewish people who commemorate this time by recalling events in their history that were anything but delightful, induced joy, but nearly brought this people to their end. The destruction of two temples prior to, and early in the Common Era, are one such example. The Holokaust of course is a most recent example as well as the ongoing war, conflict, that began on October 7, 2023. I can only suggest that one who listens to their heart may hear a Still Small Voice coming alongside to offer comfort and inner shalom. No fixes, but comfort and inner shalom.

The other reason is this song was released around August 1989. So, it has enjoyed a history of being played on some radio stations for thirty-five years and still sounds good!

Ifg we keep our hearts directed toward Adonai, we will surely find self direction for those areas of life where we come up short. Read an account, if you care to, of the Prophet, Elijah in the Hebrew Scriptures, 1 Kings chapter 19. An angel helped him listen to his heart..

Until our next visit, thank you for stopping by. May the presence of YHVH be with us always!

David C. Russell, Author

Mellow Rock


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