Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Gotta Lot Of Love (Charlie Mars, Acoustic)

Hello Grafted In Reader,

Today is Wednesday, July 24, 2024 in my corner of blog-land.

I think much about each post title, and try to carry the tradition as it were to begin posts with a song title from acoustic music world, i.e., stations like Radio Heartland online. Today our title, Gotta Lot Of Love, is something we either have, don't have, or wish we had more of in life.

We either gotta lot of love to give, that has been received, and dare I say both are true?

Do you and I have an idea of what love looks like? feels like? but might fall short in giving a good description or definition. Leave that to the dictionary experts! I think that's okay.

Let's consider this song and post title as we go about our day and try to pin down just what that means for each of us.

As a writer, I recently wrote a story about a man who loses his wife after 28 years of marriage. She dies of skin cancer.

Hank goes through a period where despair and monotony depict his life. In year three he is bestowing love and kindness to neighbors in need. It helps him break the cycle of despair. I hope to publish both in the near future and will let you know when this occurs.

Until next visit, I'm sure thankful you dropped by. I wish you wellness and well-being to your day and journey. 

There; you just received some love!

Mellow Rock

David C. Russell, Author


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