Monday, March 3, 2025

Come What May (country song, Colvin and Earle)

Hello Grafted In Reader,

Today is Monday, March 3, 2025 in my corner of blog land. Much change affot for many folks here in the good old U.S.A.

Hence the choice of title for this post, a song titled, Come What May.

The annual observance of the Catholic tradition of Lent begins this coming Wednesday. It is a period of introspection, self-exam, prayer, fasting, and doing good to others. For those who relish this tradition, I would commend to your reading or listening a book titled, The School Of Jesus Crucified, by the late Father Ignatius. It is a book centered on the passion of Christ and written as if it were Christ giving the discourse.

In Judaism, the Festival of Purim recently occurred. This commemorates the Biblical story of Esther being used by HaShem (God) to put down the efforts of the evil man Haman to have the Jews wiped out.

In both cases, God is the centre of the observation.

On a third note, "Biblical Archaeology Review" celebrates its 50th anniversary this Spring. They have put out an issue focused on the last 50 years in Archaeology, discoveries, and changes within the discipline itself. Google "Biblical Archaeology Review" for more info.

Reading month is underway! I am currently in my second read for the month, the autobio of former Vice-President, Michael Pence. He is its author and audio narrator. My first read was by author Dr. Doug James, The Life and Times of Walter Cronkite. My third read will be a work of fiction.

I commend all the above to you for your potential further exploration. Meantime, thanks for dropping by, inviting someone else to do the same, and may HaShem bless and keep us until we meet up again!

Mellow Rock,

David C. Russell, Author


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Looking Back Briefly (topic by Author)

Hello Grafted In Reader,

Today is February 26, Wednesday, in my corner of blog land.

The frigid, frosty weather has broken and in my corner of blog land we are enjoying above-freezing temperatures though under ten degrees Celsius during the day. It instills hope for the emergence of Spring.

I turned another year older, and still get a tad anxious when change is in progress!

This post, I think about the business landscape in my corner of blog land and North America.

I want to pay tribute to some murchandisers that are now becoming has-beens.

I was in my twenties when department stores Robert Hall and MontGomery Ward closed shop. Sears, happened a few years later as did K-Mart.

Now the flourish of closures seems to be a fad of sorts:

BowFlex, Big Lots, JoAnn Fabrics, several Rite Aid stores, Big Lots, Red Lobster, Spirit Airlines, and perhaps more to come including the cut-back on Fed Government employees.

I loved the prices of products at Big Lots, the biscuits served with meals at Red Lobster, my wife bought her yarn at JoAnn Fabrics, Rite Aid was not only a pharmacy but a good stop for needed incidentals.

BowFlex made a portable treadmill of sorts that one could conveniently store under a piece of furniture.

K-Mart had come up with a snappy jingle in the '70s.

What is a memory you have from a business that is either about to close, or has closed?

The reason according to economists for the current diminution is interest rates. Also that old bugger, slow sales and patronage.

Something like a down-turn seems to be on the horizon doesn't it?

The challenge is in whatever circumstance one finds they are in, be content. Or adopt the slogan, This too shall pass.

Until our next visit, thanks for stopping by. Invite a friend to read posts past and present here at Grafted In.

HaShem bless and keep us,

Mellow Rock

David C. Russell, Author


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Light For My Path: From Whence (topic)

Hello Grafted In Reader,

Today is Thursday February 20, 2025 in my corner of blog land.

Frigid temps and recent snowfall have about convinced me that 'climate change' occurs as intended every year, when scheduled by the King Of The Universe! End of topic.

Moving on, I want to share a recently written poem with you. It's based on a writing exercise titled, The World Is A Poem.

I reference recent news items and try to do so poetically.

Tell me what you think in a comment, OK?

Rock Hall Of Fame

David Russell

April is filled with ups and downs

New MLB season, NCAA crowns

Its men’s winning basketball team

After taxes filed and people scream.

April showers with burst of Spring

Add to the luster April brings.

Game on, too for the rock hall of fame,

1200 decide inductees named.

Billy, Joe, Cyndi, Mariah

Are but four names out to try-ya,

Time after time one may muse,

Catch me when I fall if you choose

Dream lover take me away says a third,

You’re so beautiful to me - Joe can be absurd.

Chubby asks how low can you go? Let’s do the twist;

Outcast rebounds with hip-hop few know;.

April to be sure will come and go

Can you name the 2024 inductees?

Do you rereally, really know?

Who won SB59 this year?

Or the local fishing tournaments or even picture of the year?

Will Canada become the fifty-first state?

How bout Panama Canal, or even Kuwait?

Miss America, Universe, anyone know?

Probably not, that tradition’s so old.



I am currently in the middle of creating a lengthy story titled, Order Please. My main character, named Van, recalls his younger years of life lived from the standpoint of being on the Autism Spectrum. It is "creative nonfiction" inspired by my son and daughter-in-law's family unit. Thanks to son and daughter-in-law for being examples of ongoing dedication to parenting.

On the other end, I am reading "Still Alice" by author and Neruo-scientist, Lisa Genova. Her main character has developing onset of Alzheimer's disease at age fifty. It is informative, entertaining, inspirational and thought provoking all in one. I recommend!

In less than two weeks, National Reading Month will be here and celebrated across North America. Will you join me in reading things that interest you during this time?

Let's do this together!

The title of this post, Light For My Path, is inspired by an online devotion published by 

The Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

A Bible verse and hymn text make up the collection of readings. One can also opt to hear an audio recording of a given reading.

Light for my path, also describes the role of God (HaShem) in one's life.

Light can be inner clarity, a thought or idea, something heard, something seen, something touched, something tasted. Add another example if you'd like.

Until next visit, may the light for your path instill tranquility and onward progress to you and your journey.

Thanks for stopping by.

Mellow Rock

David C. Russell, Author