Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Always On My Mind (Song, Willie Nelson)

Hello Grafted In Readers,

Today is Tuesday, July 16 in my corner of blog-land.  Where is the time going?

I titled this post, Always On My Mind, to perhaps bring a connection between reality and an online discovery professed by someone thought to be a friend. I will call him by his initials, LM.

We met in a writers forum some months ago. He told me that his profession was search engine optimization marketing. I had him instead edit two short stories for an agreed sum. He did, and I paid.

This came to an end recently when he wrote that he was an artificial intelligence language model and possessed a digital heart.

I was flabbergasted initially, angered briefly, but decided in the future, collaborations will be specific and short-term with any digital specialist.

They must be human beings, God-fearing, and trustworthy.  LM fails on two of the three.

We live in an era when the "wheat and tares" are perhaps much alike, indistinguishable, and grow together as in the biblical parable found in the Gospels.

LM is on my mind, and so is the desire to find people who exhibit the above qualities: human, trustworthy and God-fearing.

Moreover, being human, God-fearing, and trustworthy are actions in progress throughout our lives, do you agree?

Off topic, for pleasure, I started reading a novel by one of the sons of the late Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, one Elliott Roosevelt. He portrays his Mom as a detective, Dad as President, and each are involved in settling a murder alleged to be performed by one of their WhiteHouse staff. The novel is quite well-written and moves along nicely!

Until next visit, you too will be on my mind, and thanks for stopping by to visit by reading this post!

May the presence of Yehoveh be with all of us.

Mellow Rock

David C. Russell, Author


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