Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Demagogue (David C. Russell, Story)

                Hello Grafted In Reader,

For many, today is the Sabbath or Shabbat, Saturday, June 15, 2024. May you regularly observe a weekly period of self rest, renewal, and divine refreshment!

Writing is at the top of my list these days. You are invited to read the sample of my latest story at:

titled, "The Demagogue"

Here is the opening for your perusal.


written by: David C Russell

“April Fools,” I said.

“You screwed up my breakfast,” Kim said, expression incensed, annoyed, exasperated.

“I was just having fun. Don’t be such a poor sport,” I answered.

“You eat this bowl of rice krispies and let me know how you like baking soda instead of sugar,” Kim said, still annoyed.

This was my first attempt at deception at the age of eight. Kim was my younger sister by two years. Gradually, over time, motivation to deceive for the thrill it brought would mentally beckon a personal choice. The choice to mislead, frustrate, beguile to witness one’s frustration with bewilderment.

Our mom, a single parent, sluffed it off and told us to hurry up, go to school. I was not disciplined; Kim was not given the satisfaction of having been wronged. Do we brush off occurrences in life based on level of annoyance an incident may cause?

By the way, the only cost is your time to read and perhaps rate or comment. Thanks!

I also just finished story revision to "Misery In The Head".  An international pandemic occurs in the summer of 2052, where all suffer a chronic, splitting, menacing headache. Yeah, a take-off on COVID, but nice to recall what that experience put on us as a people and as persons. Where it will end is anyone's guess but will let you know.

The Feast of Pentecost/Shavuot was this past Tuesday and Wednesday. We celebrate God giving His Word, and God giving us his Spirit, known as a helper and comforter to life's struggle.

Until next visit, so glad you stop by, and please share this blog with your friends and associates.

God be with us always,

Mellow Rock

David C. Russell, Author 

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