Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Behind Closed Doors (Country Standard, Charlie Rich

Hello Grafted In Readers,

Today is September 3 in my corner of blog-land.

Historically, September has had its challenges both good, and at other times rather trying. Yet, I like this month as it transitions us from one season to the next.

For those who observe spirituality from a Jewish point of view, at times this is the month of preparation called Elul. 

From Google: According to Jewish tradition, on Rosh Hashanah, all of humanity is called to account, and a divine judgment is issued. This belief underscores the significance of Elul as a month of preparation, where individuals spiritually prepare themselves for this divine judgment.

One way to prepare is spend a few minutes reflectively reading Psalm 27 in The Holy Bible. This is the name of a book in the Bible containing 150 prayers if you will that run the gammet of the human experience. Highs, lows, ups, downs, thanksgiving, request for protection, get even with my foes, etc.

Whatever your viewpoint, make certain it includes a time to prepare for the continued journey which you and I share together. You and I are truly works in progress.

Personal: September includes my wedding anniversary, celebrating no. 28 this year. I am thankful for my choice of spouse whom I "intend" to share life with until one of us breathes our last.

Thank you for our visit today. I am always happy to know you dropped by.

May the presence of YHVH be fully realized in our life this day and every day.

Mellow Rock

David C. Russell, Author